Monday, March 12, 2012

Film. Incendies

Alex has been in a media club for years. It is a bunch of guys that get together to discuss a book, an album, and  a movie. Often times I have no interest in their picks, but sometimes it uncovers a good find.

This month's pick for a movie was Incendies. I usually don't like to go into a movie not knowing anything about it. I kind of like to know what I'm getting myself into. I am glad I watched with an untainted mind this time. 

Incendies is a French film about twins who are requested, upon reading their mother's will, to deliver two envelopes to their father and brother, who are both unknown. The quest leads the twins to the Middle East where they slowly uncover their mother's horrific past.

This is not a movie for the faint of heart. It is a very graphic, yet captivating. After watching it, my mind could not rest. Unfortunately for me, it was also daylight savings in a few short hours! 

Incendies was a story so far from my own. A story so rich in pain, yet full of love. I love films that make me stop and think about how big our world is and how small I am. In the midst of the Eat This Book challenge that my church is going through, my mind drifted to stories of the Old Testement. The stories are much the same. A world unlike my own. A world filled with suffering. How do we handle a world like this?

I am so glad that there is One who we can always lean on. I am glad that I am His. It is the only place true peace can be found. He has a plan, even if we can't fully understand it.

1 comment:

Shannon Anderson said...

Ohh... This is on our watch list. Good thing you liked it now it makes me want to see it even more!

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